Lalita Sahasranama, Raga Svarupa Pasadya
रागस्वरूप-पाशाढ्या (Raga Svarupa Pasadya) stands as the mother divine holds noose (RAGA) IN HER upper LEFT HAND.
Mantra Sadhana & Benefits
We experience the world through the panchatanmatra, Sabda (sound), Sparsha (touch), Roopa (sight), Rasa (taste), and Gandha (smell). Our mind is necessary for the proper operation of these five sense organs. We might not fully notice our surroundings if our mind isn’t on the task at hand.
The pleasant is registered by our mind while the unpleasant is ignored. Positive stimuli cause us to develop Rāga, or love or a positive impression.
Love is the emotion that unifies all life. This life-affirming noose binds life to the universe, and it is held in Devi’s lower left hand. Love is a foundational emotion, inherent in both the wise and the unwise. This profound emotion is the tether that connects everything, imposing its will upon all.”
A noose is typically cast around the neck of an animal to ensnare or trap it. In a similar manner, we are ensnared by our Rāga or passions. Mother Divine Sri Mata has four hands (Chatur Bahu Samanvita), in one of the left hand holds this symbolic noose to remove undesirable tamasic and rajasic desires, cultivating satvic desires in her devotees. By pulling her devotees with this noose, she frees them from their bondages
Vedic Mantra Wisdom:
The Sri Chakra consists of five downward-facing triangles representing the skin, blood, brain, muscles, and bones, known as the Sakti Chakra. It also has four upward-facing triangles symbolizing the soul, prana sakti, tejas, and ova, referred to as the Siva Chakra. Furthermore, the nine triangles of the Sri Chakra symbolize the six physical body chakras, sahasrara, kula, and akula sahasrara chakras.
Together, these form nine intersections, encompassing a total of 44 triangles with a central point or bindu. The Divine Mother, Lalitambika, resides at this central point, radiating bliss, which is why it is also termed “sarva anandamayi”. To experience this divine bliss, one can meditate on the bindu stana located on the maha meru or the sahasrara chakra or engage in the navavarana puja.
This is why the Sri Chakra is also referred to as “Sarva Anandamayi.” A prominent saint of our time, the revered OmSwami was addressed by the Divine Mother using this name.
Mantra Chant & BENEFITS –> 4 Steps – 41 Days – 1 Round Mala
Just as children long for their parents’ love, parents also want their children to love them. In a similar vein, spouses want their love for each other to deepen their love. One can invoke the divine love of the Mother by chanting “ॐ रागस्वरूपपाणढ्याै नमः” 108 times a day for 41 days in order to nurture and foster such love in relationships. Additionally, chanting at night before bed produces better results.
- Benefits: To deepen or bond their love with children, parents and partner.
- Mantra Chant: ॐ रागस्वरूपपाणढ्याै नमः
- No of Times: 1 Round of Mala or 108 times
- No of Days: 41 Days (Mandala)
- Optional: Offer Jaggery Physical or Manasic