lalita sahasranama Pancha Tanmatra Sayaka
पञ्चतन्मात्र-सायका (Pancha Tanmatra Sayaka) STANDS as the mother divine holds FIVE TANMATRAS OF ARROWS (FIVE SENSES) IN HER RIGHT HAND
Mantra Sadhana & Benefits
The symbolism of a five substances represents Mother Divine (Sri Mata) creator and master of our five senses, indicating how She (Sri Maha Ragni) governs the devotees’s The five tanmatras, which are sound, touch, form, taste, and odour, correspond to the five senses that we have, which are hearing, touching, seeing, tasting, and smelling, respectively. Through this control, She (chidgani kunda Sambuta) can takes birth from consiousness, which signifies she within us, by purifying our thoughts, senses and directing our focus towards Her.
The Divine Mother, Brahman, directs the mind through the senses of taste, smell, form, sound, and smell. What knowledge (or sustenance) do we impart to our tanmatras? The body is hardware if the mind is software. Tanmatra information overloads our brain, making it difficult to discern between pertinent and unimportant information.
An abundance of information leaves little time or energy for “Self” development. We need to think satvik, or pure, thoughts and prioritise our data.
Vedanta links the five subtle elements to the five senses—sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing. Arrows shot from a bow, which stands for the mind, represent the five senses.Arrow release speed increases with bow bend.
Vedic Mantra Wisdom:
The five fundamental constituents of our body are collectively referred to as the pancha bhutas. If any one of these five pancha tanmatras is out of whack, it can cause a variety of health problems, including issues with one’s hearing, skin, vision, or digestion, in addition to other complications in one’s health.
These five elemental arrows or flowers represent our vrittis, or past lives’ tendencies or impressions. Due to pancha tanmatra imbalances, we suffer and contract many diseases.
Chanting mantras is the one and only solution that can bring about a restoration of this balance and provide relief from these difficulties.
Mantra Chant & BENEFITS –> 4 Steps – 41 Days – 1 Round Mala
To alleviate issues related to hearing, skin, eyesight, and digestion, as well as to dispel sorrows and grief, bringing peace to one’s life, the mantra “ॐ पञ्चतन्मात्रसायकायै नमः” is recommended. It should be chanted for one round of a mala, which is 108 times, over a period of 41 days, termed as a Mandala. Optionally, one can present jaggery either physically or symbolically.
- Benefits: To be relieved issues from Hearing, Skin, Eye and Digestion. In addition, it relieves one from sorrows, griefs and brings peace in the persons life
- Mantra Chant: ॐ पञ्चतन्मात्रसायकायै नमः
- No of Times: 1 Round of Mala or 108 times
- No of Days: 41 Days (Mandala)
- Optional: Offer Jaggery Physical or Manasic