About Lalita sahasranama HIDDEN STORY

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About Lalita sahasranama HIDDEN STORY

Aspects / Birth of Lalita Sahasranamam is a cosmic hymn that encompasses the entire universe. There are 1000 (Sahasra Namas) names (descriptions) or forms for the goddess Lalita. At her grace and in her presence (the eight speech godesses: Aruna,Jaini,Koulini,Kamesvari,Modhini, Sarvesvarim Vasini, and Vimala), Asta Vac Devatas delivered the divine hymn known as Lalita Sahasranamam. She is the embodiment of love and compassion. She is worshipped mainly as a japa, or meditation on her form, or by Sri Chakra. All the vacdevatas reside in Sri Chakra. She is the “Adi Shakti” (primordial energy) from which all creation emerged. She is also the “Sarva Shakti” (all-pervading energy) that sustains and governs the cosmos

Lalita Sahasra Namam and Sriv Vidya Came to Earth (Avail for Humanity): The Lalita Sahasranamam is a sacred Hindu text from the Brahmanda Purana, one of the eighteen Mahapuranas. The 18 scripts are written by the Vedavyasa (Veda: Holy Scriptures, Vyasa:compiler). He is the half-brother of Bishma and the son of Satyavati and Parasara. He is also one of the Sapta Rushis.

A dialogue between Hayagriva and the great sage Agastya (along with his wife Lopamudra) Hayagriva, a manifestation of Lord Vishnu with a horse’s head, is an embodiment of pure knowledge and wisdom, and Agastya, meaning who arrests the mountains (there was a story in Kashi Kandam about Vindhya Hill growing exponentially and Sage Agastya controlling it), is one of the Saptarishis (seven great sages), and he is initiated by Hayagriva into Sri Vidya through Lalita Sahasranamam.

Key note: Entire Brahmandam is there in itself in this Lalita Sahasranama Hymn. It is specifically situated within the Lalitopakhyana section. Lalita Sahasranamas are comprised of 183 verses with 1000 namas.

The Tale Behind the Lalita Maa emerge: The hymn recounts the legend of Goddess Lalita, or Tripura Sundari, the beautiful goddess of the three cities. As the narrative goes, a demon named Bhandasura wreaks havoc in the universe. Emerging from the ashes of Kamadeva (God of Love), the demon becomes invincible due to a boon, leading the cosmic realms into distress. To stop his evil and kill him, Goddess Lalita emerges, born from the collective energies of all deities. A celestial war is declared between her and Bhandasura; she wins over him and restores cosmic harmony. Lalita Sahasranamam not only sings praises of her victory but also of her compassion and love towards devotees.

Invoke of the Hymn: Attributed to the great sage Vashishta, it is believed that the sage and other seers invoked these names to please the Divine Mother. The current-generation saint OmSwami also invoked this divine hymn. Each name in the Sahasranamam reveals a unique quality, aspect, or mythological episode associated with the goddess’s multifaceted nature. She is the compassionate mother (Tripura Sundari), the fierce warrior (Mahishasuramardini), the supreme wisdom (Saraswati), and the ultimate reality (Parabrahma). She is the embodiment of all that is good, beautiful, and auspicious.

Vedic mantra wisdom:

Brahmanda Puranam is one of the 18th Maha Purans, and it is the last one.Puranas are also categorized into three types. Satvic, Rajasic, and Tamas The Brahmanda Purans come under Rajasic. Every Purana is depicted as Brahmas body parts. This purana is considered Brahma’s spinal bone. Lalita Sahasranamas are part of Brahmanda Purana, and the Lalita Sahasrana Nama Slokas have been divided into three parts: Upodgatam (introduction), Namas (names), and FalaSruthi (outcome). The Lalita Sahasra Namas (second part) has 182 1/2 verses.

Benefits: The Sahasranamam is not just a hymn of praise but also a powerful mantra for spiritual transformation. Meditation, or doing japa on each mantra, gives a variety of benefits. By chanting Lalita Sahasranam for 41 days in the early morning and before sleeping at night, the Divine Mother can answer your question in your dreams. There are lots of benefits to each mantra, as given in the below Rahasya Lalita Shasranama Benefits table.

There are many saints and sages who meditate on this divine hymn. By chanting or meditating on the names of the goddess, normal people can also invoke her blessings and awaken the divine feminine within themselves.

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CategorySub CategoryLalita Sahasra Namaa Vali
Job, Promotion, and Onsite Travel
2. Sri Maha Rajni
3. Sri Mat Simhasaneswari
28. Manda smita prabha pura majjat kamesa manasa
Fame14. Kuruvinda Mani Shreni Kanat Kotira Mandita
38. Ratna kiṅkiṇi Karamya Rasanadama Bhuṣita
Free from Debts and Blessed with Prosperity17. Vandana smara mangalaya griha toran chillika
40. Manikya Mukutakara Janu Dvaya Virajita
45. Padadvaya Prabhajala Parakrta Saroruha
Win Over MindCreativity, Memory, Knowledge and Focus4. Chitagni Kunda Sambuta
15. Ashtami Chandra Vibhrajadalika Sthala Sobhita
44. Nakh Didhiti Sanchanna Namajjana Tamo Guna
Decision Making10. Mano Rupeksha Kodanda
16. Mukha chandra kalankabha mrganabhi visheshaka
Peace (Anger Control)9. Krodankara Kusojvala
Free from Stage Fear, Communication, Vak Sidhi, Sweet Voice15. Ashtami Chandra Vibhrajadalika Sthala Sobhita
25. Suddha vidyankurakara dvija pankti dvayojjvala
27. Nija sallapa madhurya vinibhartsit kachchapi
33. Kamesvara Premaratna Maṇi Pratipanaa Stani
38. Ratna Kinkini Karamya Rasana Dama Bhusita
Addictions26. Karpura Vitikamoda samakarshi digantara
42. Guda Gulpha
Family RelationshipsHappy and Peaceful (Relief from Grief and Sorrows)1. Sri Mata
11. Pancha Tanmatra Sayaka
21. Kadamba Manjari Klpta Karnapura Manohara
Marriage24. Nava Vidrum Bimbasri Nyakkari Radana Cchada
29. Anaklita Sadrsya Chibuka Sri Virajita
30. Kamesha baddha mangalya sutra sobhita kandhara
41. Indragopa Pariksipta Smaratunabha Janghika
To be Blessed with Children32. Ratna Graiveya Chintak lola muktaphalan vita
39. Kamesa Jnata Saubhagya Mardavoru Dvayanvita
Love and Disputes (Parents and Children, Husband and Wife)8. Raga Sarupa Pasadya
23. Padma Raga Siladarsa Paribhavi Kapola Bhuh
Win Over Enemies5. Dev Karya Samudyata
43. Kurma Prashtha Jayishnu Prapadanvita
Peace & Win Court Cases46. Sinjana Mani Manjira Mandita Sri padmbujayai
HealthEye Sight, Eye Problems6. Udyad Banu Sahasraba
11. Pancha Tanmatra Sayaka
22. Tatanka Yugali Bhuta Tapanodupa Mandala
Hearing, Skin11. Pancha Tanmatra Sayaka
22. Tatanka Yugali Bhuta Tapanodupa Mandala
Digestion11. Pancha Tanmatra Sayaka
22. Tatanka Yugali Bhuta Tapanodupa Mandala
31. Kanakaṅgada Keyura Kamaniya Bhujanvita
Hands, Legs, and finger pains7.Chatur Bahu Samanvita
22. Tatanka Yugali Bhuta Tapanodupa Mandala
BP, Diabetes9. Krodankara Kusojvala
22. Tatanka Yugali Bhuta Tapanodupa Mandala
Leprosy12. Nijaruna Prabha Pura Majjad Brahmanda Mandala
Addictions26. Karpura Vitikamoda samakarshi digantara
42. Guda Gulpha
Spiritual UpliftBurn Past Karmas13. Champak Ashoka punnaga saugandhika lasat kacha
Among the countless books available, only a select few resonate with our soul and influence our consciousness.We have chosen the best.

Highly Recommended following Courses/Books on Lalita Sahasranamam as well:

General tips for anyone doing a mantra sadhana to get better or faster results:
  • The best times to do Sadhana are when the sun rises or sets.
  • Asana Darba Asana is always used for Japa.
  • It is always best to do 10 rounds a day to get the fastest and best results.
  • More likely to work if you set the same time and place.

However, for tangible issues, seeking professional advice alongside spiritual practices is advisable.

You do your karma, leave the outcome to nature-have a faith

Mantra Meditation: When you meditate, thinking about and saying the name "Sri Mata" over and over can help you in as many ways as a tree full of fruit. We can connect with the Universal Mother, who is the source of all information, love, and the world.

Lalita sahasranama


-Om Swami 14:40

Salutations to our divine, holy mother. Let us do meditation on her with one of the beloved saints, "OmSwami," the founder of Sadhana App, and offer her seat within our hearts. There are many vaktas who have given discourse on "Lalita sahasranama," and we have listed all the genuine Ganapati's, Avadhani's, and Saint's related links and sources of the blog posts.

Gratitude: Notes

With gratitude to the Divine Mother, I've embarked on creating a website about Lalita Sahasranama. I'm blessed to serve as a channel to share her magnificence. The insights and interpretations here are drawn from various spiritual leaders, scriptures, and esteemed sources, including R. Ananta Krishna Sastry's translation of Bhaskaraya's commentary and Iysvarya Yogam,Glorious Alchemy, The Thousand Names Of The Divine Mother: Shri Lalita Sahasranama

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