lalita sahasranama Stanabhāra-Arunaruna kausumbha vastra bhasvat katitati
अरुणारुण-कौसुम्भ-वस्त्र-भास्वत्-कटीतटी STANDS as aruNa- reddish hue (a mixture of red, pink and orange), aruNA – vaag devata, kousumba – colour of safflower – here the red safflower. MOTHER DIVINE’s hips are adorned with a brilliant red garment like the rising Sun
Vak Siddhi Mantra Sadhana & Benefits
The symbolism of Mother Divine (Sri Mata) likes yellow and dark red color and in this verse devi’s garment is deep red in color like the safflower flowers
Vedic Mantra Wisdom:
Her waist is adorned with a red silk cloth, signifying compassion. The predominance of red in Her attire and form symbolizes that She is the epitome of compassion, a key attribute of being Śrī Mātā. This suggests that Her divine acts of creation, sustenance, and dissolution are all carried out with profound compassion
Mantra Chant & BENEFITS –> 4 Steps – 41 Days – 1 Round Mala
To be blessed with luck and relief from graha dosas, the mantra “ॐ अरुणारुण कौसुम्भ वस्त्र भास्व त्कटीतट्यै नमः” is recommended. It should be chanted for one round of mala, which is 108 times over a period of 41 days, termed a mandala.
- Benefits: To be blessed with luck and relief from graha dosas
- Mantra Chant: ॐ अरुणारुणकौसुम्भवस्त्रभास्वत्कटीतट्यै नमः।
- Number of Times: 1 Round of Mala or 108 times
- Number of Days: 41 Days (Mandala)