44 Lalita Sahasranama-Nakhadīdhiti-saṃchanna-namajjana-tamoguṇā


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lalitha feet
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lalita sahasranama Nakh didhiti sanchanna namajjana tamo guna

नख-दीधिति-संछन्न-नमज्जन-तमोगुणा  STANDS as Nakha- toe nails, dīdhiti-brightness, saṃchanna – rays, namaj – bowing down, jana – people, tamoguṇā- ignorance, listlessness, laziness, darkness, destruction. Mother divine’s nails removes the darkness of ignorance from those who bow down (surrender) and place their head at Her feet.

Mantra Sadhana & Benefits

The nails on Mother Divine (Sri Mata) tender, rose-tinged feet, which rest on gentle pads, appear as if the moon has been sliced into ten pieces and placed upon Her toes. The brilliance from Her nails dispels the darkness of ignorance for those who bow down, surrendering and placing their heads at Her feet.

The Divine Mother, Her toenails emit a brilliance that entirely eradicates the darkness of ignorance (tamo guna) in those devotees who prostrate at her feet. Worshiping the Goddess’s feet eradicates all ignorance. Given that her feet are not visible to mortals, some commentators suggest that the devotees in question are deities like Brahma and Vishnu.

Even a mere touch of the Goddess’s feet purifies the minds of such esteemed divinities. The Matsya Purana and Padma Purana detail instances of this nature. When these gods bow at her feet, the luster from their gem-studded crowns dims in comparison to the radiance of the Goddess’s toenails.

Vedic Mantra Wisdom:

The nails on Her tender, rose-tinged feet, which rest on gentle pads, appear as if the moon has been sliced into ten pieces and placed upon Her toes. The brilliance from Her nails dispels the darkness of ignorance for those who bow down, surrendering and placing their heads at Her feet.

When Devas and asuras (demons) pay homage by bowing their heads, the rays from the gems on their crowns pale in comparison to the light emanating from the nails of Her feet. These rays obliterate the tamo guna (inertia) and ignorance of those who worship Her.

It is also mentioned that She imparts blessings not with Her hands, but with Her feet. Unlike other deities, Lalitai does not possess abhaya (fearlessness) and varada (boon-giving) hands. Instead, She wields four powerful goddesses (refer to namas 8, 9, 10, and 11) in Her four hands. The acts of blessing and granting boons are performed through Her lotus feet. We prostrate before the deity so that the energy or illumination from Her feet flows onto our Sahasrara (crown of the head) and then spreads throughout our entire body. Thus, ignorance ceases to exist the moment the light from Her toenails touches our heads.

Mantra Chant & BENEFITS –> 4 Steps – 41 Days – 1 Round Mala

To be blessed with education, knowledge, and Memory, the mantra “ॐ नख दीधिति सञ्छन्न नमज्जन तमोगुणायै नमः” is recommended. It should be chanted for one round of mala, which is 108 times over a period of 41 days, termed a mandala.

  • Benefits: To be blessed with Education, Knowledge and Memory (especially before exams)
  • Mantra Chant: ॐ नखदीधितिसञ्छन्ननमज्जनतमोगुणायै नमः।
  • Number of Times: 1 Round of Mala or 108 times
  • Number of Days: 41 Days (Mandala)

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CategorySub CategoryLalita Sahasra Namaa Vali
Job, Promotion, and Onsite Travel
2. Sri Maha Rajni
3. Sri Mat Simhasaneswari
28. Manda smita prabha pura majjat kamesa manasa
Fame14. Kuruvinda Mani Shreni Kanat Kotira Mandita
38. Ratna kiṅkiṇi Karamya Rasanadama Bhuṣita
Free from Debts and Blessed with Prosperity17. Vandana smara mangalaya griha toran chillika
40. Manikya Mukutakara Janu Dvaya Virajita
45. Padadvaya Prabhajala Parakrta Saroruha
Win Over MindCreativity, Memory, Knowledge and Focus4. Chitagni Kunda Sambuta
15. Ashtami Chandra Vibhrajadalika Sthala Sobhita
44. Nakh Didhiti Sanchanna Namajjana Tamo Guna
Decision Making10. Mano Rupeksha Kodanda
16. Mukha chandra kalankabha mrganabhi visheshaka
Peace (Anger Control)9. Krodankara Kusojvala
Free from Stage Fear, Communication, Vak Sidhi, Sweet Voice15. Ashtami Chandra Vibhrajadalika Sthala Sobhita
25. Suddha vidyankurakara dvija pankti dvayojjvala
27. Nija sallapa madhurya vinibhartsit kachchapi
33. Kamesvara Premaratna Maṇi Pratipanaa Stani
38. Ratna Kinkini Karamya Rasana Dama Bhusita
Addictions26. Karpura Vitikamoda samakarshi digantara
42. Guda Gulpha
Family RelationshipsHappy and Peaceful (Relief from Grief and Sorrows)1. Sri Mata
11. Pancha Tanmatra Sayaka
21. Kadamba Manjari Klpta Karnapura Manohara
Marriage24. Nava Vidrum Bimbasri Nyakkari Radana Cchada
29. Anaklita Sadrsya Chibuka Sri Virajita
30. Kamesha baddha mangalya sutra sobhita kandhara
41. Indragopa Pariksipta Smaratunabha Janghika
To be Blessed with Children32. Ratna Graiveya Chintak lola muktaphalan vita
39. Kamesa Jnata Saubhagya Mardavoru Dvayanvita
Love and Disputes (Parents and Children, Husband and Wife)8. Raga Sarupa Pasadya
23. Padma Raga Siladarsa Paribhavi Kapola Bhuh
Win Over Enemies5. Dev Karya Samudyata
43. Kurma Prashtha Jayishnu Prapadanvita
Peace & Win Court Cases46. Sinjana Mani Manjira Mandita Sri padmbujayai
HealthEye Sight, Eye Problems6. Udyad Banu Sahasraba
11. Pancha Tanmatra Sayaka
22. Tatanka Yugali Bhuta Tapanodupa Mandala
Hearing, Skin11. Pancha Tanmatra Sayaka
22. Tatanka Yugali Bhuta Tapanodupa Mandala
Digestion11. Pancha Tanmatra Sayaka
22. Tatanka Yugali Bhuta Tapanodupa Mandala
31. Kanakaṅgada Keyura Kamaniya Bhujanvita
Hands, Legs, and finger pains7.Chatur Bahu Samanvita
22. Tatanka Yugali Bhuta Tapanodupa Mandala
BP, Diabetes9. Krodankara Kusojvala
22. Tatanka Yugali Bhuta Tapanodupa Mandala
Leprosy12. Nijaruna Prabha Pura Majjad Brahmanda Mandala
Addictions26. Karpura Vitikamoda samakarshi digantara
42. Guda Gulpha
Spiritual UpliftBurn Past Karmas13. Champak Ashoka punnaga saugandhika lasat kacha
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