lalita sahasranama Anaklita Sadrsya Chibuka Sri Virajita
अनाकलित-सादृश्य-चिबुकश्री-विराजिता STANDS as the Anākalita-sādṛśya- incomparable, Cibuka- śrī – the beauty of (Her) chin virājitā- glowing. There is nothing to which the beauty of mother divine chin can be compared.
Mantra Sadhana & Benefits
Mother Divine (Sri Mata) has the most beautiful chin which is beyond comparison and description (anirvachaneeya)
Himavān, your father, affectionately lifts your chin. When Śiva lifts Her chin, His arm appears like a handle to a mirror, where Her face is compared to a mirror. Her mirror-like face is bright and shining, and Śiva’s hand touching her chin appears like a handle to the mirror. Śaṁkarācārya in Soundarya Lahari says that there is no comparison to this scene.
Vedic Mantra Wisdom:
Vac Devis didn’t have anything to compare Mother Divine Chin with. Earlier, they had compared and described. Her forehead, ears, nose, lips, teeth, and smile. Now they fell short of words to describe Mother’s chin. The Aksharas for ‘Chin’ comprise Cha, representing freshness; I, symbolizing desire; Ba, denoting information; U, signifying care; and Ka, indicating coordination. Collectively, these elements represent the mechanics of the universe—a combination of freshness, the desire to expand, being filled with information, executed with caution, and carefully coordinated.
Mantra Chant & BENEFITS –> 4 Steps – 41 Days – 1 Round Mala
To relieve the vikaras and to become attractive, the mantra “ॐ अनाकलितसादृश्यचिबुकश्रीविराजितायै नमः” is recommended. It should be chanted for one round of mala, which is 108 times over a period of 41 days, termed a Mandala.
- Benefits: To become attractive and relieve from vikaras
- Mantra Chant: ॐ अनाकलितसादृश्यचिबुकश्रीविराजितायै नमः
- Number of Times: 1 Round of Mala or 108 times
- Number of Days: 41 Days (Mandala)